
Consultancy for ISO

With over 20 years’ experience covering both manufacturing and service sectors, Premier Advantage Consulting delivers exceptional training, implementation, maintenance, assessment/auditing and continual improvement in the following ISO Certifications;

ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management

For small, medium-sized and large organizations. ISO 9001:2015 offers a framework for continual quality improvement, effective business operations and robust customer experience. With this Certification, an organization guarantees consistent and effective management as well as high productivity as a result of employee engagement and participation. Premier Advantage Consulting partners with you before, during and after Certification to build capacity, document and re-define business processes, evaluate performance and implement corrective actions at all functional levels of the organization

ISO 14001:2015

Environmental Management

For all organizations. ISO 14001:2015 is a demonstration of corporate social responsibility as well as commitment to environmental conservation through innovative business processes that protect the environment,maximize resources utilization and sustain organizational growth. Premier Advantage Consulting partners with you before, during and after Certification to build capacity, document and re-define business processes, evaluate performance and implement corrective actions at all functional levels of the organization.

ISO 22000:2018

Food Safety Management

ISO 22000:2018 cements a Food Processing, Food Service and/or Food Storage/Transport establishment’s commitment to food safety at all stages in the food chain. Potential food safety hazards are identified and managed. Premier Advantage Consulting partners with you before, during and after Certification to build capacity, document and re-define business processes, evaluate performance and implement corrective actions at all functional levels of the organization.

ISO 45001:2018

Occupational Safety & Health Management System

Aside from being a legal and statutory requirement, workplace safety is necessary and vital for an organization’s continued growth and excellence. ISO 45001:2018 goes over and above legal and statutory compliance and entrenches proactivity in an organization’s culture. Premier Advantage Consulting partners with you before, during and after Certification to build capacity, document and re-define business processes, evaluate performance and implement corrective actions at all functional levels of the organization.

Business Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement using the Kaizen Model

Joint Commission International

Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA) advisory services

Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) training

Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) training, inspection and advisory services